Vintage Hardware’s Custom Reproduction Pagoda Lights for Point Defiance Parks in Tacoma

    We have reproduced special antique lighting for several customers. Reproducing lighting is a mixed bag which can require massive die investment, or, very little, depending on the type of lighting involved. Metro Parks in Tacoma, Washington  came to us to have their vintage pagoda shape lights remade to replace ones that were unfortunately stolen, we couldn’t be happier to do the job.

The Pagoda at Point Defiance parks  opened to the public in May, 1914, as a replica of a 17th century Japanese lodge, influenced by Japanese’s architecture of the Hare and Hare plan of 1911. Referred to as “The Car Station” the pagoda served originally a waiting room for streetcars, with restrooms and first aid facilities on the lower level. Architect Luther Twichell designed the new streetcar station in the Japanese “Pagoda” style, which was complimentary to the adjoining gardens.

Later used as a bus station and then as a local for gardening clubs and floral displays, the pagoda was restored in 1988. It looks as much the same as it originally did, with some modern updates.

We were requested to, and perfectly reproduced 10 of these lights with safe, energy efficient wiring, to replace Point Defiance Parks’ damaged and stolen Pagoda lights.

Here is what the Historic and Cultural Resource Manager at Metro Parks had to say:

“I just got back from PointDefiancePark and looking at our wonderful new light fixtures.

 Vintage Hardware did a wonderful job reproducing our 1914 Pagoda light fixtures. The new fixtures maintain the design features and scale of the originals while incorporating modern, safe, and energy efficient wiring and bulbs. The Pagoda is going to look like new once these lights are installed to replace the originals stolen by vandals in 2010.

 Thank you so much for doing such a good job. I can’t wait to see them up on the building.”

 Melissa McGinnis

Historic and Cultural Resource Manager

If you are looking to have a custom light made or to reproduce an antique fixture  we are the people to see. With over 30 years of experience, you won’t find any other company that can give you the information, customer service and quality of work that Vintage Hardware and Lighting can provide.

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